Thursday 1 December 2016

StoryBoard outline and ideas

Storyboard of our trailer-Psychosis

·         The trailer starts with a scene of the main character, thinking about his past life. The character is sat in his room whilst he thinks about his terrible past, but at this point of the trailer the audience are unsure whether the main character knows about his schizophrenia. A crab shot is used to give a good view of the main character while he thinks about his past.
·         The next scene again is about the main character that is walking down a path, where he thinks he’s being followed by someone who is another character, but he isn’t actually real as he is a fragment of the main character mind which is his split personality. An over the shoulder shot is used to show the other character following the main character.
·         The next scene is a flashback of the main character showing the abuse that he suffered when he was younger. To indicate that this scene is a flashback, we will edit the screen so it is black and white.
·         The next scene shows when the main character splits personality in action when he is torturing his first murder victim.  A tracking shot will be used to follow the action occurring.
·         The next scene is a close up of the main character to show his emotion which show the character scared and unsure what is going on.
·         The next scene is focused on the other main character of the film, which is the undercover detective who is trying to solve all of the murder mystery.  There is a close up shot of the detective driving his car.
·         The trailer then switches to back to a flashback of the other characters past life of another incident that caused the mental problem to occur to the character.
·         The last scene end with the psycho characters other personality taking another victims life.

Equipment List

During the production of our A2 film trailer, we used a variety of equipment in order to create our piece of text. The following list below shows the equipment used during production and post production of our trailer;
Camera- The camera was needed to make sure that we could film the trailer and get the right camera shots and angles.
Tripod- The tripod was needed to make sure that all our camera shots were steady and look professional.
Car- The car was needed, so that we could get between shooting locations.
Storyboard of the trailer on a sheet- The storyboard was needed to make sure that we followed the correct storyline.
Premier Pro- This editing software was used to create our film trailer, by editing all of the footage together to create our final cut.
Photoshop- This was used to create our production company logo.
Script- This was used to make sure that the actors stuck to the storyline of the film, so that we could portray the film trailer properly.
Storage for editing and back-up- This was needed to make sure that we have a space to save our progress throughout the post production phase of our film trailer. Also it was used to make sure that we had back-ups of all versions of our film to make sure that we didn't lose anything.

Character List

The main character which entails a series of mental problems throughout the film, stemming back to the childhood of the character, which makes him develop schizophrenia in later adulthood. Later in the extract, he starts to let the mental illness get back at him and wants revenge for what had previously happened in his life. The revenge he takes to try and fight the battle is where he kills innocent people so they can feel his pain. The twist in the story is that it isn't his personality doing, it is another personality that has developed over time to havoc revenge.

The alter ego is another character in the film is what the boy would have been like if previous situations didn't occur. However he is stronger minded and wants the revenge so he takes to it by killing people.

There are numerous victims that are featured with no real add to the dialogue with the scenes. They don't create a relationship with the audiences and there deaths aren't highlighted as a tragedy as the film focuses on the person with schizophrenia and his alter-ego.

Lastly there will be a police officer/detective who is featured that is trying to catch the culprit of these murders as he wants justice to prevail. This character features regularly but the audience will struggle to create a positive relationship with him as he is trying to take down the main character. This will be because we will try to focus on the issues that the main character is facing and the helplessness he portrays as the alter-ego is taking over his life.

The parents of the main character also features regularly as they are the main reason for the situation happening, whether it be in flashbacks of progressing the storyline. The storyline will focus on the abuse of one parent more than the other, but the other parent turns a blind eye towards it.