Sunday 19 February 2017

Psychosis- Age Certification

The BBFC take multiple things into consideration to award a film a certain certificate rating. 

-The plot has certain aspects which could affect the narrative, whether it be through characters or the actions of every film.
-Timing of key moments within the film.
-A large quantity of bad language is used.
-Sex and Drugs is seen at an explicit nature and can be seen as glorified.

Due to the explicit content shown within the 'Psychosis' film, we have decided to give the film an 19 age certificate rating. This is because we know that the film really focuses on the blood gore and grittiness of the film. Anyone below the age of 18 would struggle to comprehend or bare the film as the components exist and would be the most suitable age range to market.

Production Schedule

Required Resources
Actors/Production crew required
Date completed
St Neots,
Longsands Academy
Research- Researching films ideas by looking at film trailers for the thriller genre. In addition to this we also looked at trailers made by previous years before us.
Microsoft Word
Oliver Butler
Henry Vaudin
Thomas Payne
St Neots,
Initial ideas- When coming up with the ideas for our trailer, we used our research to help us. Also with this it wasn’t the final idea, and there was some tweaks needed.
Microsoft Power Point
Oliver Butler
Henry Vaudin
Thomas Payne
St Neots,
Storyboard- Putting all of our ideas into a storyline to portray the way in which the trailer is viewed by the audience. By imputing all of our ideas into pictures, in order to help us visualise the story further.
Post it notes
St Neots,
Olly’s House
Henry’s House
Priory Hill
Filming- Recording the scenes needed for the trailer in order to portray the story correctly.
Oliver Butler
Henry Vaudin
Thomas Payne
Connor Flint
Luke  Abbott
St Neots,
Editing – Editing all of the footage together in the correct order to help us portray our story.
Adobe Premier Pro
Adobe After Effects
Oliver Butler
Henry Vaudin
Thomas Payne

Friday 17 February 2017

Trailer Timeline

0:01- Credit is given to our production company 'Eclipse Studio's'.
0:03- Further credit is given by the caption comes up saying "A Film Brought To You By Eclipse Studio's".
0:04- An establishing shot is taken of an empty, monotone and dull grassy field.
0:07- Another establishing shot is used to show another empty field that has been fenced off.
0:08- Establishing shot of the same fenced off field but at another angle.
0:10- A mysterious looking man standing alone in a dark area.
0:11- The scene then cuts to the man still standing in the field but this time he is murdering an innocent man.
0:12- A closer shot of the man being murdered.
0;14- the man that had been killed is now laying in a muddy ditch.
0:15- Another establishing of a house and the neighbourhood.
0:16- A close up shot of the man suffering with multiply personality disorder looking very upset and angry.
0:18- There then a jump cut to a flashback of the man, which shows what the man went through to gain his multiple personality disorder. The scene shows some sort of fatherly figure abusing him.
0:20- A close up of the fatherly figure slamming the door where you can also see the man being roughly pulled up by the fatherly figure man.
0:21- There is then a jump cut to a different man driving his car as though he is looking around and investigating.
0:24- The man driving the car is then on photo and being filmed via a Point Of View shot to signify that he is being followed.
0:27- There is then a shot of the detective looking man walking up a flight of stairs.
0:29- There is then another shot of the detective man walking up the stair going towards a door.
0:30- There is then a close upshot of the detective man investigating some documents.
0:31- The next shot shows the psychopath/ the guy with multiple personalities trying to get through a door.
0:34- This shot shows the man with the split personality looking into a mirror and seeing his evil, psychotic personality.
0:39- This shot shows the evil personality torturing one of his victims, who has been tied up to a chair in some sort of garage.
0:42- Shows the evil personality putting knife up at the victims throat.
0:43- the screen then jumps to black.
0:44- The caption then pops up saying "PSYCHOSIS".
0:46- Another caption comes up saying "Coming Soon".
0:47- Another caption comes up stating all information about the film, such as the the production company, the film 4 association, the makers of the film, the costume maker, editor, etc

Thursday 2 February 2017

Thriller Genre Poster Research

I found that many of the thriller poster genre's, use the same conventions throughout in order to try and portray their message of the film. I feel like the most suitable trend for me to follow will be through the colours and positioning of the characters.

Colour- This is a main convention of a thriller poster due to the connotations that can occur from it. This is because certain colours can mean different things and can be easily identifiable to the genre. For example the three main colours that I could see that were constantly occurring were red, white and black. I feel that the three colours now symbolize the thriller genre due to the connotations from them. For example, when people see red and a scary image they will think of blood, danger and death as its dripping and scaring people. When people see black they think of nothingness, death and fear as it leaves the imagination wondering what's in the darkness that will affect me negatively. White is the juxtaposition and contrast between the three as its used to stand out and catch the eye of a viewer.

Position of Main Character:
This is also another vital convention in a film poster. They like the attention to be on the main character so that they can emphasize the star power which they have on the film. This will help the distribution because if the audience can identify a world renown actor, they will automatically think the film has to be good in order for the actor to take the job and act in it.


Image result for thriller movie postersImage result for thriller movie postersImage result for thriller movie posters