Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Se7en Trailer Analysis

Se7en Trailer Analysis

Dark lighting is used to create a grimy and gritty scene that emphasises the fact that dark, negative situation that is occurring on screen. For the viewers this creates an image in their head that the film will be based on dark and negative situations which will create anticipation for them. This is reflected by the weather in the majority of the extract which is raining, which shows the pathetic fallacy of the trailer as it matches the mood of it.

The trailer uses slow tense music in order to emphasise the actions happening in the extract. This is because the music is synchronous to the action which will build the suspense and fear further as they are expecting something bad to happen with the build up of the music.

The extract uses well known actors or star power to draw an audience in, with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman being the main actors in the trailer. This will draw a larger audience in as they're both well known actors and are known for acting well with awards to back up their roles meaning that the presence in the film will surely mean the narrative has to be good for them to star in it as detectives.

Close-ups are used on the actors face to emphasise to the audience the emotions being shown and felt on the face of the characters, to give an insight into what the characters are thinking.

To go along with the detective theme, a mise-en-scene feature is used to emphasise and make it easily identifiable to the audience that the main actors in the film are detectives and they have the stereotypical features that they need.

Subtitles and Titles are used throughout the extract in order for the audience to be able to identify who is in the film as well, who was vital in the making, production and distribution of the film as well as simple features like the title of the film.

A voice over is used in order to try and help the story line progress throughout the trailer and also make it easier for the viewers to comprehend what is happening in the extract as he is providing more background information.

A flash cut is used to help move the scene on to the next section of the film, without trying to give away too much information to keep the viewers guessing. This is also synced with sound FX to show that the section of the film is moving and draw more attention as it catches the ear. The trailer is broken into three different sections allowing for different parts of the story to be shown without giving away too much, so it entices the viewers to either go and buy the film on DVD or watch it in cinemas, depending how much anticipation they have to see the film.

A tracking shot is used when Brad Pitt's character is sliding across the car to try and chase something. This shot allows the viewers to follow the action with full understanding of the situation happening ahead of him.

The trailer is set in three different locations mainly which help to give ideas what the story line is going to entail which are the Police Headquarters, autopsy room and the city streets. What the viewers can connote from this is that the detectives will have intense chases and problems in the streets but this will ultimately lead to death as the detective end up at the autopsy room.

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