Thursday 10 November 2016

Thriller Genre Analysis

A thriller movie is a film that main aim is to keep the audience on their toes in many different ways and aspects to shock the viewers. This would normally be through the use of an exciting plot which normally involves crime or espionage which i feel like we will use in our upcoming projects. The name for the genre is very convenient as the look to contain exciting content which will keep the viewers attention at a high and make for an enjoyable and shocking experience.

The thriller genre aims to create different emotions for a viewers when watching the film which makes the genre so unique. These could be:

There are also many sub-genres of the thriller genre which help create the overall genre and all have different takes on a film piece. This could be:
-Crime Thriller
-Psychological Thriller
-Action Thriller
-Mystery Thriller
-Chilling Thriller
-Comedy Thriller

Some normal conventions that will always occur in a thriller film is:
-Low key lighting
-Negative mood
-Challenge peoples fear
-Anticipation and build up
-Fast and Slow paced editing

Examples of Successful thriller films
-Shutter Island
-Gone Girl
-Fight Club

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