Tuesday 31 January 2017

Shot Types

Establishing shot- The first few shots that we plan to use in our film trailer is an establishing shot which will be done for more than one reason. Firstly it was done to give the audience an idea of where some of the action was going to take place in the actual film, which in most films of any type of genre this I why an establishing shot is used. The other reason why we used the establishing shot is to create tension as soon as the film trailer starts because the shots were just random shots of different fields etc. The fact that the shots didn't have any context to it, helped create the tension of the unknown. Later on in the trailer, we did then use another establishing shot which was focused on a house, which this times had more context as it showed the audience that the house did have some connection to one of the characters in the trailer. As there will be dark and dull lighting will be used throughout the shots, this will help us set the mood of the whole film as it gives the audience an insight into how the film is going to pan out. 
Long shot- Another important shot that was used many different times is the long shot which was used in used in our trailer when there was any graphic action being used, for example there is a scene in our trailer where again the villainous psychopath is murdering someone, so we used a long shot to show the murder. The reason for why we used a longshot mainly during graphic scenes is because we didn't want t give any of the storyline away in the trailer and the fact that the person being murdered wasn't shown will make the audience be more intrigued to watch the film and find out who was murdered and why.
Mid shot- When shooting some scenes in our trailer we used a variety of medium shots, which was used for mainly the same reason. For instance, there were many times in our trailer where we wanted to get a shot of more than one character and also be able to be close enough to show each of the characters emotions, such as there is a scene where the villainous psychopath has tied what seems an innocent man and using the medium shot allowed us to fit both characters in and we were also allowed to witness the anger of the psycho character and the fear of the innocent man that has been tied up.
POV shot- The next shot that we used in our film trailer was the most unused shot but was perhaps the most affective shot. Using the POV or point of view shot again was used to create huge tension and fear to the audience. We used the POV shot when the camera was focussed on again on the protagonist of the film and using the POV shot made it look like the character was being followed, which is what create the fear and tension in the trailer.

Tracking shot- The tracking shot was perhaps the most popular type of shot that was used within our trailer and the reason for why we used the tracking shots is to basically allow the audience to be able to follow any action. For example there is a scene were the protagonist is driving his car whilst he is investigating and using the tracking shot allowed the audience understand where exactly the protagonist is heading and where and what he is investigating.

Friday 20 January 2017

Music Research and Use

During the whole production of creating our trailer for our psychological thriller film, we had many ideas that changed during the planning, filming and editing. On the other hand when it came to the music, the idea of what sort of music that we originally planned stayed the same during the whole duration of the production, for instance, we planned on searching for music that obviously fitted well with a psychological thriller film, so the main aspects that we wanted in our music was slow, creepy and eerie sort of music. In our production, the only sound that is going to be used is the non-diegetic music that we were looking for, which will be played over the trailer.
It did actually take us a while to find the music, as we couldn't use any music that would be copyrighted, but then we found the website, www.freemusicarchive.org, which hold all different types of music that we could use as they wasn't copyrighted. We still wanted the same type of music and after searching for a while we found the music called Zoroaster meets the happy avenger by Bessemerr. the music was brilliant for our production as it fitted so well and showed all the aspects that we were looking for, such as it was slow, creepy and eerie.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Risk Assessment

How is it a risk
Likelihood of occurrence
Severity of risk
(1 not serious 10 very serious)
Control measures
Driving a car on a wet muddy road
Driving a car on a wet muddy road can be a serious risk as it could potentially lead to the car slipping and hitting something or someone, which could lead to the person being hit getting injured and the person in the car also getting injured.
This could likely happen, especially because it was winter when we were filming and there was a lot more times where the weather was raining.
The only control measures that can be done is firstly either find a safer place to film or if the filming has to take place in the area where the road is wet and muddy, then whoever is driving the car must drive slowly and carefully.
Using dangerous props. E.G. Knives and ropes
This is a very serious risk if there are any accidents because if the person holding the props isn’t concentrating on what he or she is doing, he or she could easily cut another person.
Again this could be very likely because when it comes to props, especially like knives even if someone is slightly touched with the knife, this could still cause perhaps a very serious accident.
The only control measures that can be done when using dangerous props is simply be extra careful and always concentrate when using them. Another control measure is get hold a fake props especially props   like knives.  
Filming whilst moving up and down a flight of stairs
Even though this isn’t perhaps the most dangerous hazard, there is still a chance that it could lead to an accident which is why it is a risk. If someone is either walking up or down the stairs and they aren’t exactly concentrating as they are being filmed, this could lead to them tripping and falling down the stairs.
This could easily happen and the likelihood of occurrence is in fact very high.
The only control measure there is when it comes to walking up and down a staircase when being filmed is simply be extra careful.
Driving at night on an unlit road
Driving a car on a unlit road can be a serious risk as it could potentially lead to the car hitting something or someone as the driver may not be able to see, which could lead to the person being hit getting injured and the person in the car also getting injured as they could hit something big like a tree.
This could likely happen, especially because it was winter when we were filming and it became very dark very early into the day.
The only control measures that can be done is firstly either find a safer place to film where the roads are more lit or if the filming has to take place in the area where the road is unlit, then whoever is driving the car must drive slowly and carefully.

Our Film Target Audience

Our target audience age justification: The reason why we chose the 17-30 years old target audience age range was to enhance our chances of gaining more viewers. This is because psychological thrillers are mainly known as complex and hard to understand with a gripping story-line which the viewers have to follow very carefully with detail throughout the duration of the film to understand. We feel as if this age range would be the most suitable as they will be able to concentrate the whole time whilst keeping an open mind towards the movie until they grasp the whole outcome and justification of each decision and situation occurring throughout the film. The reason why we don't think that the older generations could do this is because that we believe that they will loose concentration as at an older age they are more set in their ways making it harder for them to be open-minded which could make the film boring or tedious for them to watch as its not what they're stereo-typically used to when watching the thriller genre. Also as they're older people they can loose concentration very quickly, meaning they will loose track of the story-line abruptly.

Our target audience gender justification: Further the gender that we felt was most suitable for this film piece is the male gender as we feel we pushed certain decisions to suit them. This is all stereo-typically said and not our actual views but we had to build on the stereotypes to further suit the male themed genre. The reason why we felt our film would be more suited for the male gender is because we feel the the stereo-typical man could handle the visual and vulgar action happening on screen. This is because they have been opened up to this type of action from a young age allowing them to not be affected as much by the blood and gore being shown on screen which will lead for a more than pleasureful viewing experience for a audience member. However we advise whoever wants to watch the film to watch it with the risk of seeing negative actions and try to make sure that they enjoy the film as much as possible due to the originality of our made up story that we have put into film.

Locations Sheet

Location 1:
Priory Hill

The reason why we chose this first location is because it creates a sense of wilderness, in the fact when it gets back theirs is little to no light, in which helps create a sense of tension and scariness to the audience. This location was used for establishing shots ( in order to allow the viewers to understand what the surrounding areas are like and it's a great way to start a trailer or opening sequence) and a crime scene ( this is because at the time that we shot the murder scene, it was the perfect environment because stereo-typically in media texts the murder victims are usually dumped in deserted environment where there's little foot traffic).
Location 2:
Henry's Flat

The reason why we chose this location for our filming is because it allows us to portray different environments throughout the film, in order to keep the audience engaged. Within this location, the detective was introduced within his own home in order to allow the audience to have an idea of what this character was about without giving too much away. We thought this was the perfect location for  us to portray the character of a young inexperienced detective.
Location 3/4:
Ollie's House/Garage (location Picture unavailable at the moment)
The reason why we chose this location for our filming is because we needed to set the scene of where the main character lives (within this their were to characters playing contrasting mental states of the main character). In addition to this within this location we portray the main characters personal life, to audience that he had a rough upbringing and hinting to the audience that this is the source of his schizophrenia. Also at this location we also filmed the torture scene of one of victims (in order to portray the dark side of the main characters mental state).

Friday 6 January 2017

Communication Methods

We used the Facebook messenger application to communicate between the three of us in order to decide such aspects as leaving times when we are going to start filming.
Actual base time when meeting beforehand a few days ahead.
Clothing arrangements and ideas, growing our originals plans and making them come to light and making sure what we're trying to do is realistic.
This is where we was getting other people involved to help progress our storyline making our film piece successful.

This is further meeting times that we used when we finished school to finish our filming.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Costume Ideas

Main Antagonist; The main antagonist will start by wearing everyday clothes that he normally would when just going about his day normally. This outfit will include a plain T-Shirt and jeans that he would normally wear.

Main Antagonist in action: When he starts to commit the murders he changes into the other person which means that he will change clothes to match the mood of the rest of the film due to the psychological problems that he is facing. Due to this we think he should be wearing all dark clothing as he is committing dark actions. He will be wearing black jeans and a black hoodie with this in order to create a sense anticipation for the viewers as you will not be able to see his face very often.

Main Protagonist: The main protagonist will be wearing the stereotypical proper police officer uniform. This would normally feature a matching smart suit to withhold the professionalism that occurs within his job. We are thinking about him wearing a plain black or navy suit with a long tweed brown coat over the top which the stereotypical Sherlock Holmes agent wears when figuring out the murders.

Victims: The victims will be wearing normal going out clothes as they have been taken unknowingly. This will be an outfit like jeans and a T-shirt.

Our Intitial Presentation Ideas

Psychographics Research

Psychographics: This is where production companies  study and classify people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, especially in market research. Theses are used to help create an analysis of the target audience lifestyles which helps create a detailed target audience profile. This is used by asking the audience with activities, interests or opinion statements. What this does is help the production company and research team to create the demographic which they can expand off of. Once again this will help them conclude decisions in order to suit the demographic which they have created.

This helps make the film turn into the stereotypical storyline where weird outcomes occur regularly and some psychological problems normally occur within the crime thriller genre. This works by seeing what people would like to see most with the crime genre thriller. Furthermore this will lead to the film becoming successful as the majority or the audience that like this genre have contributed in order to create the most successful films with the right features that they will enjoy.

Target Audience and Demographics Research

Target Audience: The target audience is one of the main reasons why companies make films the way they do. Although most of the film companies main goals are to make money, the target audience is a close second as they will dictate the way a film is made depending on who they target. The target audience definition is a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed. For example if a film contain a lot of vulgar language, nudity and racism, the film will more than likely be aimed at a younger audience such as 18-30 year olds. as they are more susceptible to take these attributes as a joke and won't become so offended where as the older generation may take offence to the situation as there set on there morals and won't be so open minded. Where as an 18-25 year old women would be more suited to the romantic comedy type of film that isn't hard hitting as an action as stereotypically they are into films with more sentimental meaning and emotional feeling as it more relatable to them. I would link this back to our short trailer as the genre of our trailer is thriller. This would be because it is hard for a younger audience to keep concentration and understand the action happening on screen where as the middle aged adult would probably be used to the action happening in the film industry and would further enjoy it as It had became natural for them to watch it and enjoy. Where as the older generation would probably find the action more vulgar due to the blood and death occurring on screen as TV back in the day was more retained and restricted as it would normally scare the audience, therefore the 18-30 age range suited our target audience.

Demographic: The meaning of demographic is where a company targets a particular sector of a population. For certain genres they will target different features of a person in order to suit the target audience of the film. This will help them make decisions to suit the demographic as the films needs to be made so that they enjoy it the most. This includes such aspects as an age range, ethnicity, nationality and gender. This allows the production company to include features that will suit the type of people that they have targeted.

Drawn out Storyboard