Wednesday 11 January 2017

Our Film Target Audience

Our target audience age justification: The reason why we chose the 17-30 years old target audience age range was to enhance our chances of gaining more viewers. This is because psychological thrillers are mainly known as complex and hard to understand with a gripping story-line which the viewers have to follow very carefully with detail throughout the duration of the film to understand. We feel as if this age range would be the most suitable as they will be able to concentrate the whole time whilst keeping an open mind towards the movie until they grasp the whole outcome and justification of each decision and situation occurring throughout the film. The reason why we don't think that the older generations could do this is because that we believe that they will loose concentration as at an older age they are more set in their ways making it harder for them to be open-minded which could make the film boring or tedious for them to watch as its not what they're stereo-typically used to when watching the thriller genre. Also as they're older people they can loose concentration very quickly, meaning they will loose track of the story-line abruptly.

Our target audience gender justification: Further the gender that we felt was most suitable for this film piece is the male gender as we feel we pushed certain decisions to suit them. This is all stereo-typically said and not our actual views but we had to build on the stereotypes to further suit the male themed genre. The reason why we felt our film would be more suited for the male gender is because we feel the the stereo-typical man could handle the visual and vulgar action happening on screen. This is because they have been opened up to this type of action from a young age allowing them to not be affected as much by the blood and gore being shown on screen which will lead for a more than pleasureful viewing experience for a audience member. However we advise whoever wants to watch the film to watch it with the risk of seeing negative actions and try to make sure that they enjoy the film as much as possible due to the originality of our made up story that we have put into film.

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