Thursday 5 January 2017

Psychographics Research

Psychographics: This is where production companies  study and classify people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, especially in market research. Theses are used to help create an analysis of the target audience lifestyles which helps create a detailed target audience profile. This is used by asking the audience with activities, interests or opinion statements. What this does is help the production company and research team to create the demographic which they can expand off of. Once again this will help them conclude decisions in order to suit the demographic which they have created.

This helps make the film turn into the stereotypical storyline where weird outcomes occur regularly and some psychological problems normally occur within the crime thriller genre. This works by seeing what people would like to see most with the crime genre thriller. Furthermore this will lead to the film becoming successful as the majority or the audience that like this genre have contributed in order to create the most successful films with the right features that they will enjoy.

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